In England, there is no statutory requirement for an applicant to deliver a public consultation event prior to submitting a planning application to the Local Planning Authority. An applicant may carry out a community consultation event to obtain the views of the local community prior to submitting a planning application. Comments from these events from the community are often collected and used to inform an applicants Statement of Community Involvement.
ABL Planning & Development have represented many individuals, businesses and community groups during the application process who generally wish to object to an application but are unsure about the best way in which to put their concerns forward.

Once a planning application is submitted to the Local Planning Authority, the application will be validated by the Local Planning Authority. It is at that point which the Local Planning Authority will publicise the planning application and is usually carried out under one of the following ways:
a neighbour notification letter,
a site notice (usually on lamp-post or other public place);
or a press notice.
If you need help with public representation for a planning application or appeal, contact us to see how we can help.
Public Consultations for Planning Applications
In regard to planning applications, there is no statutory obligation for a Local Planning Authority to issue neighbour notification letters if the application is being publicised by a site notice. If a Local Planning Authority carries out notification of a planning application to neighbours by letter, then only those neighbours who physically adjoin the application site are required to be notified.
Any member of the public, business and community group can make representations on any planning application. Representations have to be made within 21 days of the date as given on the neighbour letter, site notice or press notice. If the application has been publicised by all three methods, then the Local Planning Authority will usually receive representations until the latest 21day expiry date. A Local Planning Authority may accept representations after this date but it is their discretion.