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Our Fees & Costs


ABL Planning & Development Limited (ABL) will write to you with a proposed fee structure specifying the cost of the works, along with the proposed payment schedule. A copy of the terms and conditions will also be included.


Fees are based on an hourly rate however depending on the project, a fixed fee may be considered more appropriate.

Should the required work go outside of the scope or change as the project evolves, we reserve the right to revisit the agreed budget.


Planning application fees (any application fee, legal fees and third party fees) are not included within ABL fees. These will need to be paid separately prior to an application being submitted and should be paid directly to the Local Planning Authority or to the Planning Portal.


Any fees for external technical consultants should also be paid directly to the consultant themselves. ABL are able to source well respected and professional consultants at competitive prices. 


Regulated by the Royal Town Planning Institute, ABL Planning & Development  Limited are required by their code of conduct to enter into a formal written agreement prior to commencing work on your behalf.  This is a legally binding agreement that protects the interests of both parties by setting out the terms and conditions of the engagement and the scope of work the commission entails.


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