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Planning Enforcement

Planning enforcement consultants for Cheshire, North West & the Midlands

We understand that a letter or visit from the Local Planning Authorities planning enforcement officer can often be unexpected and for many, a worrying experience. Planning enforcement officers are generally obliged to follow up any complaints regarding ‘alleged’ breaches of planning control.  Where it is considered that there is a breach of planning control, the Local Planning Authority will contact to you to discuss the breach in question.


Here at ABL Planning & Development, we are here to have those initial conversations on your behalf. Through early engagement, we can discuss with the Local Planning Authority whether indeed there is a breach of planning control and if there is, ways in which that control could be regulated. Depending on the breach, this may be through the submission of a Lawful Development Certificate or through the submission of a retrospective planning application or discharge of condition application.   

The Contract

If you have been served a S215 Notice (often referred to as an Untidy Land Notice) or S330 Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) we can advise you what this means for you and your site. Similarly, if you have been served an Enforcement Notice; we can advise you what that means for you as an owner / tenant and other interested parties and the potential implications should the Notice not be appealed or complied with. 


As a Chartered member of the RTPI, we have licenced access to legal professionals should legal advice be required.

The Contract

If you need a planning enforcement consultant to act on your behalf, contact Rachael from ABL Planning to get started.

“I was very impressed by the timely response to my calls. A detailed explanation was presented which was very helpful. Rachel’s qualifications, knowledge and local experience with similar contracts was excellent.  A full specification of her services and clear procedural instructions was available. I would strongly recommend using this service.”

Dee Mead

Other Related Planning Services:

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Pre-Application Support


Planning Application Appeals



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